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Where Can I Get Official Advice About my Human Rights?

By: Liz Lennox - Updated: 22 Oct 2015 | comments*Discuss
Human Rights Law Rights Legal Reports

Despite the fact that our human rights are codified in law, and public organisations and government bodies should have policies in place to prevent it, there is always a chance that, if you feel you are being treated unfairly, your human rights have been breached. Whether you are a disabled person in need of treatment or a prisoner suffering inhumane treatment, you have the right to take action.

Where Do I Go for Advice?

As with any legal proceedings, your first port of call should be a Solicitor or your Citizens Advice Bureau. A quick search of your local library’s information section, the internet or a couple of phone calls should be all it takes to find the person in your area who specialises in human rights issues. You have the freedom to do this and you should not allow yourself to be put off because you are ‘just one person’ and the authority you are fighting seems like a colossus.

Once you have found the person, or firm, that you need to speak to, make sure you take any and all relevant information and evidence with you. The legal field is notoriously vague and you will help your representative a great deal if you have everything to hand.

Listen to what they have to say; they may also put their opinion into a legal report for you, ensure that you read it fully and take their advice seriously, but do bear in mind that many legal professionals will not take on a situation that they do not feel they can win, so ask them what your chances are and whether they are prepared to assist you. If not, then they may be able to point you in the direction of someone who can help you.

How Much Will it Cost?

All legal proceedings are expensive, sometimes prohibitively so, and as you will essentially be bringing a civil suit, then it is unlikely that the state will give you any assistance. It may also take a very long time, so be prepared to have your patience tested.

What if I Don’t Want to See a Solicitor Just Yet?

If you are not quite sure about whether you want to proceed, or are unsure if your rights have even been breached, then you can contact the public body concerned, such as your local authority and ask them to explain their actions. You have the freedom to question them and ask them to provide you with a copy of their official policy. If you feel, after having read it, that your rights have been breached, then you can ask them to deal with it.

I can’t guarantee that they will respond in a prompt or even helpful manner, but you have the freedom to do this and it is your right as a human being to be given the information. If they seem to be stalling or trying to dodge the issue, then you can contact the Government website and contact them for further advice.

What if I Can’t Find Anyone to Help Me?

In the unlikely event that there is no-one close to you with the skills to help you, there are dozens of free help sites on the internet. It will cost you nothing to find out what your position is. In addition, there are some very well-known voluntary organisations which specialise in human rights, such as ‘Liberty’ and the ‘British Institute of Human Rights’, that are committed to furthering the cause of human rights and to helping people, just like you, who feel that their rights have been infringed, breached or completely ignored.

Some of them may go so far as to help you fund the case and provide you with support, information and detailed reports on their progress on your behalf.

The point to remember is this: the UK laws have enshrined your rights as a human being. They have also specifically stated that you have the right to take any public authority to task over their treatment of you. The law and systems are there – you may as well use them, and possibly prevent the same thing happening to someone else.

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Oppressed? - Your Question:
I recently had an interview with a local police firearms licensing officer concerningA renewal of my shotgun license which expires in two weeks time. I was persuaded to sign a form I believe may allow the police access to my medical records. I have now sold the shotgun and want the form back. I asked the police to return it but they are prevaricating. In the first place I believe that the form violates my human rights and second what are my options please?

Our Response:
The police form asks for details of medical history, sometimes they may want to investigate this further to establish there are no health issues to consider. If you have submitted an application form it's not usual to expect it back. The police are entitled to keep it for records or to destroy it.
AboutHumanRights - 26-Oct-15 @ 11:30 AM
I recently had an interview with a local police firearms licensing officer concerning A renewal of my shotgun license which expires in two weeks time. I was persuaded to sign a form I believe may allow the police access to my medical records. I have now sold the shotgun and want the form back. I asked the police to return it but they are prevaricating.In the first place I believe that the form violates my human rights and second what are my options please?
Oppressed? - 22-Oct-15 @ 10:26 AM
Do i have a case? its almost seven years now but i have beenleft with the scars ever since ,when i say scars, i mean three heart attacks, and a stroke,which has left me in bad health , ,.All from calling ealing mentel hosptial , which sent an aumblance for me , which left me in ealing hosp A&E , my state of mind over the next hour sitting there changed , and ended up with at least five police officers and me fighting which ended up with me being put in the back of a police van knowing something was wrong with me , i complained to the police , i saw two doctors that night which bareley gave me no notice , i was in pain , i was sick , i went to court next morning very ill,the magistrste asked if i wanted to sit down , when i left the court i went home and tried to slleep , a few hours later i went to northwck park hosp , and was rushed in after seeing the treash nurse and haveing an ecg , , they said i had sufferd a massive hearth attack sometime thr previous eve , and because i had not got there in time half my heart was finished for ever , but i was locked up and my complaints went nun deaf ears , the only reason i bring this up now is after talking with my daughter this eve , can you take an interest in my case , , WILL /ELVIS
Elvis - 7-Apr-14 @ 2:57 AM
I run my own small manufacturing business. About seven years ago I registered for VAT and shortly afterward had a substantial amount of money credited to my bank account, in error, by HMRC-VAT. By the time I had discovered this, my bank had swallowed it up in my overdraft and then refused to lend me any money when HMRC eventually came looking for it back. I managed to pay back a good percentage of it by taking out a hefty loan but needed to negotiate a repayment plan for the rest; which they begrudgingly agreed to. However, with the recession biting deeply into my business and the fact that I live in an economically deprived area (Northern Ireland), I am finding it increasingly difficult to meet the plan and have missed payments on a few occasions. In turn HMRC have become increasingly more threatening, aggressive and downright bullying in their communications, to the point where both myself and my wife are at the point of desperation as the threats to take our possessions and leave us without the means to earn a living become outrightly hostile. This whole business - not our fault remember - has cast a severe shadow over our lives, to the point where I feel the onset of a serious depressive disorder is not far away. I recently sought outside advice and was advised to send them a breakdown of my income and outgoings, which I did, and offered to set another payment plan of a smaller monthly amount, only to receive an even more belligerent letter today, even though I had been keeping up with the plan. Surely this victimisation of a lone, vulnerable and seemingly defenceless person; an Englishman born and bred who has paid his taxes for the last forty five working years, counts as a violation of human rights?
king1042 - 26-Nov-13 @ 7:56 PM
Good morning I have been thrown off AOL many times for speaking my mind about the influx of Immigrants, Islam and the EU. I have never sworn or used racist language on the news boards. I have had to change my screen names and email addresses as they have been blocked by AOL. White British people seem to have no rights in making comments and their feelings known these days. Some News Items on AOL have had the comments sections blocked, why put News on if they are going to block comments from readers??? Please let me know what rights bloggers have. Best regards Jonathan
British4Ever - 8-Dec-11 @ 9:06 AM
my human rights have been breached i am a victim of crime and live nearby the person who committed the assault i live in fear day after day until recently i had no support then after years of abuse from this man i was then picked on by various bodies who have lied and put me down so much i had a breakdown where they snatched my children after that when i got on my feet still no sign of getting my children back socialworker is not working with me have put in complaint about him hes lied his way out of it and they will not give me a new one my children want to come home and i want my children home with me so i can get away from the constant threat i live under it is my human right to live in a safe place without prejudice it is my human right to raise my children and it is my human right to my freedom
xena - 6-Jul-11 @ 12:04 AM
I am in the situation where i wish to challenge the government over, what i believe to be, a blatant attack on my human rights. I have been unable to gain proper advice from citizens advice bureau, who are refusing to help me in any way, even to advise me regarding my rights other than advising i contact a solicitor. I cannot afford a solicitor and the solicitors who offer free advice will not sepak to me about my issues. I am not being advised by anyone and seem to have no real power to protect my human rights, even when there is a clear violation.
MattMatt - 19-Apr-11 @ 7:14 PM
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