Below are our articles on the subject of Lifestyle. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Does a Child Need Human Rights?
Every child has rights, we have the duty to enforce them....

Human Rights and Gender Equality
An overview of human rights and gender equality. The introduction of the new equality law and the impact of spending cuts on gender equality....

Human Rights and Racial Equality
Racial equality and human rights in the UK – an overview on the laws and rules against discrimination based on race, ethnic background or nationality....

Human Rights and Same Sex Marriages
How does human rights law apply to same sex marriages or civil partnerships? The Civil Partnership Act and the difference between civil partnerships and marriages....

Human Rights and Sexuality
An overview of some of the main laws governing human rights, equality and the entitlement of an individual to be free from discrimination regardless of their sexuality....

Human Rights and Transgender Issues
A brief overview of transgender issues and human rights. The equality and anti-discrimination laws which apply to transgender people and right for legal recognition of…...

Human Rights...and Responsibilities
Do human rights come with reciprocal responsibilities? Who has responsibility for upholding human rights and should they be conditional on 'good behaviour'?...

Personal Freedom: The Right to Behave How You Want
Having personal freedom does not mean that we can behave without consideration for others....

Right to Life: Not Just an Abortion Issue
The right to life is a fundamental issue and the cause of serious debate...

Your Rights as a Traveller
Gypsies and travellers have the same basic human rights as the rest of society....

Your Rights as an Immigrant
Immigration rights and immigration law is a politically based argument and it is essential that immigrants rights are protected....

Your Rights to Protest or Demonstrate
Your human right to protest is fundamental and unshakeable....